Thursday, November 11, 2010

US Army General Rebecca Halstead

In honor of Veterans Day, watch this video of US Army General Rebecca Halstead discussing why chiropractic care is essential in ensuring our troops in Afghanistan are battle ready.

Monday, November 8, 2010

New D.C.? Go electronic for cheap.

To all my fellow D.C. friends,
Our generation of health care providers must migrate towards electronic note taking; the government will soon require it and start penalizing offices in 2015 that don’t. Plus, if you're like me you're not entering any penmanship contests soon . Thus, I have done a little research to find a solution for POOR D.C. graduates. I was recently talking to a new graduate about an electronic health care records company called future health. He got my attention when I heard I didn’t need $15,000 to start. The basic program is around $25/month then you add “apps” as you need them. I haven’t actually used this program in a working clinic, but have downloaded it for a free 3 month trial. They do NOT collect any credit card information, so if you hate it then uninstall with no consequences. I attached an introduction video for your convenience. If anyone has actually been using this software in practice I would love to hear your thoughts. I have no affiliation with this company.